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yogi of the month – september 2012

For 37 years I have been married to my best friend Jack. We have lived in Charlotte County since 1983. Our son, daughter-in-law, and grandson live in Port Charlotte and work for us, while our daughter lives in Tampa with her husband and will bless us with another grandchild in February.

In 1999, after having worked in the medical field for 20 years, I started experiencing extreme fatigue. After a year of worsening, I had some tests run and discovered that I had hepatitis C, a disease that destroys the liver. I most likely contracted it from a blood transfusion after the birth of my daughter in 1980.

I had never heard of hepatitis C, so I was determined to learn all I could in order to get well. After I started a healthier diet, drank no alcohol, and tried a new approach to exercise, I began to feel better. It was then that I first tried yoga. I stayed with it for about six months, but it was not quite what I expected. At that time I also tried acupuncture and Reiki, both beneficial treatments for me.

After going through the very difficult treatment period, being on and off of interferon for many years, I started a support group for others with hepatitis. One of my primary goals was to help others through treatment because I knew how difficult it was on the patient and family members.

At that time I became more interested in yoga. I read some books on the subject and began my own home practice. I tried a few yoga studios, but I didn’t find the experience I was seeking until my first class at The Yoga Sanctuary a little over a year ago. Not long after, I convinced my husband to join me.

Without hesitation, we can both say that yoga has improved our lives. I have learned how to connect with my breath in so many situations in life. It has taught me calmness when my body needs it most. I attend an average of five classes a week, mostly gentle and level one classes at this point. My favorite poses are Child’s Pose and Downward Facing Dog. Although it’s hard for me to put into words what yoga has done for me, I can say that yoga has helped me to have a positive outlook for the future. For example, I am on a liver transplant list but it is not what defines me.
I want to take this time to thank all the special people I have met since joining The Yoga Sanctuary. Everyone’s positive energy and genuine concern for my well-being has been a blessing.

My favorite quote: “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”―Maya Angelou