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Yogi of the Month: Jackie Mays

Jackie Mays










I grew up in Canada until I moved to the United States with my husband of 16 years, whom I met while working in my family’s carnival business. Now we travel five months out of the year with our concessions, and settle in the rest of the year in Punta Gorda.

Twelve years ago I tried yoga when I was looking for a form of exercise, but found it boring. After a shoulder injury—and massage therapy and medications—I walked into the The Yoga Sanctuary studio and met Jennifer. I have been coming back ever since, attending five days per week. My shoulder is better, and I am calmer despite my loud voice (inner voice). When I am not practicing, I can really tell that I need to get back on the mat!

Although I am a workaholic—my hobby is my work—I do enjoy riding my bike in the country. And a perfect day for me is a quiet day at the pool.

My favorite pose is shoulder stand, and my biggest challenges are my breath and trying to not plan my day while in Savasana.

My favorite quote: It is what it is.