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staff spotlight – march 2012

Anne Moore
Annie is a 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher, specializing in Yin Yoga. She also just recently completed David Swenson’s Teacher Training program for Ashtanga Yoga.

My journey to yoga began in 2006, one of my most difficult years. I was a trial attorney with a busy litigation practice, a husband, and two kids. That year my litigation practice left me with no time for family, let alone for myself. In August, the perfect storm was brewing: I lost an important case; my husband moved to our farm to run our organic chicken business; my daughter and I moved into an apartment; my father died in September; and by the end of the year, I knew I had to close my law firm after 11 years of practice. Not my finest hour.

In November I went on retreat at an ashram. I was already on a spiritual path, having developed a relationship with a higher power though my recovery from alcoholism in 1994. Because of this, I knew I was being opened up for a new and more meaningful life despite the seeming catastrophe occurring around me.

In 2007 I took a four week yoga class from a friend of mine, and later began practicing Ashtanga three or four times weekly. It was only on the mat that I felt the relief and peace that I needed to go on with my busy life. I realized I could no longer practice law the way I had for the last 19 years-pouring my heart, soul, and energy into a profession that thrived on derision, and in which there were only winners and losers. After leaving my employment, I began to come to my mat six or seven times a week, and my inner and outer strength grew.

In June of 2009, I went on a five day silent retreat and began learning about the Eight Limbs of Yoga. The philosophy of Patanjali’s Raja Yoga resonated with me like nothing else I had studied before. When the Om Seva School of Yoga opened at the yoga studio where I practiced, I enrolled in a teacher training.

Even as I learned how to teach yoga, I never saw myself as a yoga teacher. I merely wanted to immerse myself into my newfound joy. However, I received the book How Yoga Works, by Michael Roach. This fun little book is basically a parable of the Yoga Sutras and from it I learned that it is very much a part of the yogic tradition to share what you have been freely given, similar to a concept I had been taught in recovery-you can only keep what you are willing to give away.

In the summer of 2009 I moved to Englewood, Florida, and found The Yoga Sanctuary in 2010. When I met Bonnie and experienced the community there, I knew my practice had found a home. I began teaching yoga at The Yoga Sanctuary in 2011. I won’t pretend it came natural or that I didn’t feel, or still don’t at times feel, uncomfortable up there. After all, I ask myself, what do I know about this very large and powerful experience called yoga? But then I remind myself to share with you, my students, what has been so lovingly and freely shared with me. And so I sit on my mat, smile at your open faces, and begin.

A few of my favorites:
Book: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, though I also love anything by Susan Howatch.
Food: toasted homegrown tomato sandwich with butter and a smidgeon of sea salt.
Yoga Pose: Ardha chandrasana.
My most challenging pose is Bhujapidasana.