Continuing Education & Mentorship
The Yoga Sanctuary offers many ways to continue your yoga education. Our year-round schedule of workshops explore a wide range of topics, such as structural and subtle anatomy, yoga philosophy and history, as well as the sister sciences of yoga – Ayurveda and Jyotish. Many of our teachers are registered with Yoga Alliance as E-RYTs (Experienced Yoga Teacher) and YACEPs (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider). This means that when you take a workshop with these teachers, your time with them counts towards any required continuing education hours. In addition to these ongoing workshops, we’ve also created a program specifically geared toward developing one’s skills as a yoga teacher. Read more about our Art of Teaching workshop series and Mentorship Program below.
The Art of Teaching Quarterly Workshops
These full-day intensives explore the foundational and practical skills necessary to teach in a creative, mindful, and rewarding way for both the teacher and the student. Topics include the dynamics of the teacher-student relationship, how to incorporate yoga philosophy into class, and the principles of a well-balanced and mindful approach to teaching, as well as full intensive focuses on sequencing, adjusting, and modifying class for a range of physical abilities. While the focus is on teaching yoga, these workshops are open to anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the yoga practice. Each workshop is part of The Yoga Sanctuary’s Mentoring Program and taken on their own, count towards continuing education hours.
Quarterly Workshop Focuses
- Foundations: Learn more and register HERE.
- Sequencing: Coming in January 2022
- Assisting: Coming in April 2022
- Healing: Coming in Summer 2022
Please check our workshop schedule regularly for upcoming dates and topic details.

The Art of Teaching Mentorship Program
The Art of Teaching Mentorship Program is open to anyone that has completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training program. The program is designed to help YTT graduates continue their growth and education, and to develop their skills as a teacher. It is a wonderful bridge for those that have completed a YTT, but have yet to teach a live class.
Program Components
- (6) Private sessions: One-on-one sessions will include structuring your individualized program, practice teaching and discussion, review of observations/assists, and giving and receiving feedback.
- (6) Observations: Sit in on and potentially assist live classes led by the program mentor.
- (2) Teach full classes: With the help of the program mentor, you will design and teach two live classes.
- Weekly studio class attendance with program mentor.
- (1) 6-hour Art of Teaching quarterly workshop.
Program Perks
- Unlimited complimentary class attendance during the 12-week session
- Unlimited email access to program mentor
- 15% discount on TYS in-house led workshops and retail
- Enrollment in TYS substitute teaching list upon completion of program
Program Requirements
- Dedicated yoga practice
- Openness and willingness to learn and grow
- Short meeting/interview with program mentor
- Completion of 200-hour teacher training program, does not have to be the TYS Teacher Training Program
Your Investment
This includes all Program Components & Perks
Program Director and Mentor
Jennifer French, E-RYT 500, YACEP
Jennifer has more than ten years and ten thousand hours of yoga teaching experience working with all levels of students. She is registered with the Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT 500 (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher) and a YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continued Education Provider). As much as Jennifer loves being in the role of teacher, she finds it equally—if not more—important to be in the role of student. Having completed two 200-hour, a 500-hour and countless “undocumented” hours of yoga training, she continues her own studies through the support, mentorship, and guidance of her primary teachers, Tias & Surya Little of Prajna Yoga.
For more information about this program or to schedule a meeting, email Jennifer HERE.