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Grounding – what does it mean and why do we do it?

One of the most fundamental, yet often overlooked, characteristics to cultivate during yoga practice is groundedness. Even teachers can assume that students are grounded during class simply because they are standing, but without a proper ground, the asana, or posture,...

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when in doubt, take child’s pose

In yoga class we are presented with an array of yoga postures, or asanas, each pose fitting each body differently. For example, one person may find comfort in downward facing dog while another person finds the pose greatly challenging. Throughout the class, each...

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cool your nerves with sitali

Continuing our Pranayama focus this month, we move to the cooling breath, or Sitali Pranayama. The Sanskrit word sita means “cool,” describing the refreshing effect of Sitali. Usually this breath is practiced in the summertime as a way to cool the body, but during the...

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Corpse Pose or Final Relaxation by Jennifer Arnold sava: corpse asana: pose/posture instructions: 1. Lie on your mat and extend your legs out long with your heels a little wider than your hips. 2. Take your arms about five to eight inches away from your torso and turn...

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upavista konasana

Seated Wide-angle Forward Fold by Jennifer Arnold upavista: seated kona: angle asana: pose/posture instructions: 1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Bring your hands to the ground beside your hips and lift up tall through your spine. 2. Open...

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parivrtta paschimottanasana

Revolved Seated Forward Fold by Jennifer Arnold parivrtta: revolved, reverse paschima: back uttana: stretched out asana: pose, posture instructions: 1. Sit on the ground with your legs stretched straight out in front of you. Bring your hands to the ground beside your...

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Increases flexibility in the spine; opens the chest; strengthens the back; stimulates thyroid, kidneys, and adrenals; improves digestion; teaches alignment and movements required for deeper backbends.

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parivrtta trikonasana

Increases circulation to spine and abdominal organs; improves flexibility in spine, hips, and torso; strengthens legs and abdominal muscles; helps to relieve back pain; develops balance and concentration.

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Stretches legs, hips, spine, shoulders, and wrists; strengthens legs; tones abdominal organs; develops balance and stamina; improves circulation; quiets the mind; relieves anxiety and nervous tension.

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parsva prasarita padottanasana

Strengthens and stretches the muscles in the legs, back body, and torso; brings openness to the sides of the waist; massages the abdominal organs; flushes the spine and abdominal organs with fresh nutrients; relieves fatigue; removes sluggishness; calms the mind and brings a sense of groundedness.

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utthita trikonasana

Strengthens and stretches the legs, spine, and back muscles; opens the hips, chest, and shoulders; calms the mind, brings a sense of groundedness, strength, and balance; helps improve function of reproductive and digestive organs.

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parivrtta uttanasana

benefits: Stretches the entire back body and the sides of the waist; stimulates the abdominal organs; brings flexibility to the spine; strengthens the abdominals; improves digestion; help to reduce fatigue and anxiety.

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adho mukha svanasana

benefits: Senior Iyengar teacher, Bobby Clennell writes, “If you have time to practice only one pose, make it Adho Mukha Svanasana.”

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