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Yogi of the Month—Marie Hicks

marie hicks

I have lived here in Charlotte County since 1969 and recently completed 30 years of employment with Barbara T. Scott, Clerk of the Court. I have three grandchildren.

A few years ago I tried a few yoga classes and since then, I always wanted to get back into it. Last year I was able to take the six free classes that our county Risk Management team put together with The Yoga Sanctuary. After those classes finished, I tried a membership at the studio and have been a member ever since. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year.

I practice yoga two to three times a week to increase my flexibility and get some exercise. Sometimes my work schedule does not allow me to practice, and I really miss it when that happens. My favorite classes are Gentle, Level 1, and Restorative.

Prior to August of last year, I suffered severe muscle spasms that required me to take muscle relaxers to relieve the pain. But since starting my yoga practice I have not had any muscle spasms, and my back feels stronger. Overall, my entire body feels stronger.

Since starting my practice, I have been incorporating more natural things into my daily life. About the same time that I started yoga, I began researching and using essential oils. I use them daily in one form or another as maintenance and as an alternative to over-the-counter medications.

As a result of practicing yoga, I have an overall sense of peace and confidence. In the last year I have definitely noticed a change in my entire being. I have always been a positive person, but this last year—in retrospect—I realize that I don’t let things bother me as they had in the past. I think this has been extremely beneficial in my workplace.

As far as challenges that show up in my practice, I still have trouble quieting my mind. I struggle to let go. Meditation and getting to the quiet place has been difficult for me.

I have so much more to learn and I am eager for it. Every class I learn something—even just a slight adjustment can make such a big difference.

My favorite pose is Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani) Pose. For me, this pose is extremely relaxing.

Outside of yoga, I like to read, shop, explore, and to learn new things. And I love family time. Every Sunday my family and I get together for dinner. This time is precious to me. I also watch and cheer on my grandkids in their individual activities. I am inspired by my family—each member has qualities that I admire.

My favorite quotes: “It is what it is; it is what you make it!”

And the Serenity Prayer.